Cold Weather Hub

As severe winter storms and extreme cold events hit, it’s crucial to be well-prepared.

This cold weather hub has been designed to gather together our articles and recommendations to ensure your safety and comfort during these challenging weather conditions.

Recommended Heaters

Here are our top picks for emergency heaters; they often sell out when a winter storm hits, so try and stock up before a cold weather event.

There are also links to the individual articles if you need more detail on a particular type of heater.

Detailed articles

Further Reading

hurricane damage


How to Assess Your Risks

Prepare efficiently by focusing on your most likely disasters.

piles of grains and rice

Survival Food

Master your Food Stockpile

Setting up a long-term food supply is one of the core elements of being prepared.

water tank

Survival Water

Water Treatment – Deep Dive

Find, store and treat your water for the long term.