Powdered Dry Milk To Liquid Milk Conversion Ratios

New to powdered milk and not sure how to use it? Here’s a guide about how to get the correct ratio of milk powder to water, preventing clumping, and also using milk powder in baked goods, coffee, and more.

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What Is the Ratio of Powdered Milk to Water?

With most brands of nonfat powdered milk, the ratio is approximately 4 Tbsp. of powdered milk to 1 cup of water (or 1 cup of powdered milk per quart).

The following table will work as a general guide (we get into specific brands below)

Milk WaterPowdered Milk
1 Cup1 Cup4 Tablespoons
3/4 Cup3/4 Cup3 Tablespoons
2/3 Cup2/3 Cup2 -1\2 Tablespoons
1/2 Cup1/2 Cup2 Tablespoons
1/3 Cup1/3 Cup1 -1\4 Tablespoons
1/4 Cup1/4 Cup1 Tablespoons

Ratios can vary drastically between brands, especially if you use whole-fat powdered or non-dairy milk powder.

Below, I’ve included a chart of milk powder-to-water ratios for the most popular brands of powdered milk.

Tip: You don’t have to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when mixing powdered milk! Add more milk powder for creamier milk or less for a thinner texture.

BrandWaterPowdered Milk
Valley Food Storage (Nonfat)1 Cup4 Tablespoons
Legacy Food Storage (Nonfat)1 Cup3 Tablespoons
Augason Farms (Nonfat)1 Cup5 Tablespoons
Kesler Foods (Nonfat)1 Cup4 Tablespoons
Bob’s Red Mill (Nonfat)1 Cup2 -1\3 Tablespoons
NOW (nonfat)1 Cup3 Tablespoons
Anthony’s (whole milk)1 Cup4.8 Tablespoons
Hoosier (whole milk)1 Cup4.8 Tablespoons
Judee’s (whole milk)1 Cup5 – 8 Tablespoons
Anthony’s Coconut Milk Powder1 Cup8 Tablespoons
NOW Organic Soy Milk Powder1 Cup4 Tablespoons
Better than Milk Soy Milk Powder1 Cup2 Tablespoons
JOI Almond Milk Powder1 Cup1 – 2 Tablespoons

Powdered Milk Is Clumping

It is best to mix the powdered milk and water in a blender. This should create a nice, lump-free texture.

If you don’t have a blender, then use this method to prevent clumping:

  • Mix the milk powder with a small amount of hot water
  • Mix it until you’ve got a nice smooth paste
  • Add the remaining water (which can be hot or cold).

Baking with Milk Powder

You don’t have to pre-mix the milk when baking with powdered milk. Instead, add the milk powder to the dry ingredients. Then, add the water to the wet ingredients.

Using Nonfat Milk Powder Instead of Whole Milk

To use nonfat milk powder instead of whole milk, add 1 Tbsp of neutral-tasting oil per 1 cup of mixed milk. This will replace the fat removed from the nonfat milk before drying.

Making Coffee Creamer with Powdered Milk

To make a liquid coffee creamer out of powdered milk, use ½ the water when mixing. You can also add the powdered milk directly into your coffee.

To prevent clumping, put the powdered milk into the cup first and then add a small amount of hot coffee. Stir into a paste, and then add the rest of the coffee to the cup.

If you use nonfat milk powder to make your creamer, you might want to add a small dash of coconut oil to the coffee to get a creamier texture.

Making Evaporated Milk from Powdered Milk

Evaporated milk is just milk that has had half of its water removed from it. So, to make evaporated milk from powdered milk, you need to use double the amount of powder when mixing. For example, to make 1 cup of evaporated milk, you’d use 8 Tbsp of milk powder instead of 4 Tbsp.

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  1. Greetings!

    In my area I was able to purchase powered Saco Pantry Cultured Buttermilk. I’m wondering if with any brand of powdered butter, would the assumption be that I could use the same general powder to water ratio?

    • I use Saco powdered buttermilk frequently. I use 1 Tbsp dry buttermilk to 1/4 cup water. The taste is different than using liquid cultured buttermilk, but not unpleasant. I do not always have liquid available

  2. As a teenager I was sent to a wilderness survival program where powdered milk was part of our provisions. It was the only sweet thing we had on our menu so we used it to sweeten oatmeal and also made milk ball candy by adding a fewdrops of water to a bag of powder then letting it dry.

  3. Good Goat powdered milk available on Amazon instantly dissolves in coffee, has cream in it, tastes better than anything I have ever tried. ONE breed of goat produces this milk. Product is from New Zealand. Goat milk is more digestible: It is the universal milk replacer for mammals whose mothers are dry: I operated an elk and deer sanctary.

  4. I have used only whole powdered milk, much better than skim or low percentage.
    I use Nedo brand, buy at WalMart number 10 can and smaller.


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