Use the handy calculator below to figure out what you need for your family’s emergency water stockpile.
Fema, and most other reputable sources recommend stockpiling the following amounts of water per day:
- Drinking – 0.5 gallons per person
- Washing\Cleaning – 0.25 gallons per person
- Cooking – 0.25 gallons per person
Note these amounts are a bare minimum for basic survival, most American households use 300 gallons of water per day!
We recommend aiming for a 30 day supply, but don’t get overwhelmed, start by stockpiling enough water for 3 days, then work your way up to a 2 week supply and finally a months supply.
See these posts for further information:
A gallon a day per person can be less than you need in hot sun while working around the yard or hiking – working in a logistics headquarters unit we had a lot of calculations to make and we based them on 3 gallons a day per soldier – which doesn’t get you a bath every night. The work schedule isn’t always real cooperative.
As for home use in the suburbs or rural a lot of us figured out we can prep with 7-10,000 gallons right next to the house. With some clever DIY hardware ingenuity that storage could even be maintained over time.
Its called a swimming pool and you hook the rain gutters to some larger piping to keep it refilled. It’s semi potable – I’d recommend UV and a really good family sized microfilter – or boiling etc. The pool filter itself works for the macro junk and dropping chlorine tabs in it will keep it safe enough for recreation.
A lot of rural owners use stock tanks as a pool – having the machinery to move things is common – and separate wells are common, too. Its the power requirements they focus on as that happens a lot more often.