How to Make Pemmican (Easy Instructions + 5 Recipes)

Pemmican is often called the “ultimate survival food” and rightly deserves its title as a “superfood.”

Pemmican is basically a mixture of dried meat, fat, and sometimes dried berries.

It is very easy to make yourself without any special ingredients or tools necessary, just follow the simple instructions below.

How to Make Pemmican

Making pemmican is very easy, and you can adjust the recipe however you’d like, such as by adding spices, herbs, and honey.

So long as everything you add is DRY, then the pemmican won’t go bad. (More on how to store pemmican and shelf life below).

Here are the basic instructions and pemmican recipes.

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Pemmican Recipe

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  • Author: Diane Vukovic
  • Total Time: 17 hours
  • Yield: 2930


Pemmican is the ultimate survival food: very easy to make, calorie dense and can last for decades.


  • Red meat: Traditionally game meat is used, but now beef is most common. 5lbs of meat will make 1lb of dried meat
  • Fat (suet): You will need to render the fat into tallow. Instructions below. Use about a 1:6 ratio of fat and dried meat, but you can experiment.  The ratio doesn’t have to be exact!
  • Salt: 1tsp salt per pound of meat
  • Optional: dried berries, herbs, spices, honey


  1. Cut fat off of the meat: You should only dry the meat, not any fat on it!
  2. Salt the meat: This will help inhibit bacteria growth and make the pemmican taste better.
  3. Dry the meat: Instructions follow.
  4. Turn the dry meat into a powder: A meat grinder is best, but you can also use a blender or food processor. It needs to be almost a powder with no big chunks in it.
  5. Turn the berries into a powder: Same as with the meat.
  6. Mix the powdered meat and powdered berries together.
  7. Heat the fat so it liquefies.
  8. Pour the fat over the powdered meat/berry mixture. The ratio of fat to dried mixture is about 1:6, but you can experiment.
  9. Let cool and form into balls or bars.
  10. Wrap in wax paper or plastic bags and store!


Follow instructions as above to make these alternative recipes:

Nutty Recipe

2 cups jerky
1 cup dried fruit
1 cup tallow
½ cup almond flour

Chicken-Coconut Recipe

2 cups chicken jerky
4-5 tbps coconut oil, melted
Herbs or spices like thyme or curry

Peanut Butter Recipe

2 cups jerky
1 cup dried blueberries
1 cup sunflower seeds or nuts, crushed
2 tsp honey
¼ cup peanut butter, melted

  • Prep Time: 2 Hours
  • Cook Time: 15 Hours (including drying meat)
  • Category: snack
  • Method: baked
  • Cuisine: American


  • Calories: 2930

How to Dry the Meat

The easiest way to do this is to use a food dehydrator.

You just cut the meat into thin strips and put them on your dehydrator rack. Follow the dehydrator instructions for drying time and temperature.

If you don’t have a dehydrator, you can dry meat for the pemmican in your oven.

  1. Turn on the oven to 170F.
  2. Cut the meat into really thin strips and put them on a baking sheet. You can also put the strips directly onto the oven rack, but some drippings might get inside your oven.

The meat will need to dry in the oven for about 15 hours – occasionally open the oven door to release the moisture which builds up.

The meat is done when it is VERY CRISPY. It is very important that the meat is dry or else the pemmican will not last as long.

You can dry berries in the same way as the meat.

How to Render Fat into Tallow  

Fat will eventually go rancid. But, if you render it first, then it can last virtually forever.

Rendering fat into tallow sounds complicated, but it is actually really simple and has a lot of health benefits.

It is best to use beef fat for pemmican, but you can also use lamb fat. You can get these at your local butcher, and they might even give it to you for free. The fat is also known as suet.

  1. Remove any remaining meat which may be on the fat.
  2. Cut the fat into chunks. You might also want to put it into your food processor to get it even smaller.
  3. Put the fat into a big pot.
  4. Cook on the lowest setting. For each pound of fat you render, you will need to cook it for about 1 hour. Yes, this will take a while! You don’t have to monitor the fat the entire time, but do occasionally check in, so it doesn’t burn.
  5. The fat will melt, but you will see bits floating on the top.
  6. Once the bits on top are golden brown and the fat stops bubbling, then the rendering is done.
  7. Strain the fat through a sieve or cheesecloth into a jar. You just want the liquid parts and not those crispy bits. When the fat (now tallow) cools, it will be a pretty golden color.

*You can also use a slow cooker to render fat into tallow. Just put the fat into the slow cooker, put it on the Low temperature setting, and let it render for a few hours. You’ll know it is done when the fat is liquid with crispy chunks floating on top.

**Don’t want to bother making your own tallow? You can buy it on Amazon.

History of Pemmican

Pemmican was likely first invented by the Inuit tribes living in Arctic areas and Alaskan tundras, but it was also eaten by many Native American tribes throughout the continents.

Related Post: How To Make Hardtack

These tribes were nomadic and would often go out on long hunts. They would need a lot of energy to sustain these hunts but wouldn’t be able to carry a lot of food with them nor search for food along the way.

Their solution was to make pemmican to carry with them.

Traditionally, pemmican is made by cutting pieces of game (elk, bison, moose, and deer were common) into thin strips and drying it into a jerky over a fire.

The jerky was pounded with stones until it became a powder. Then liquid fat was added to the powdered jerky in a 1:1 ratio. Sometimes dried berries were also added.

When explorers came to the Americas, they realized the value of pemmican. It was particularly popular with Canadian fur traders.

Many voyagers relied on pemmican during their expeditions. Notably, Robert Peary used pemmican on all of his North Pole expeditions and says that the journey would not have been possible without pemmican.

The Ultimate Survival Food?

pemmican ball

Pemmican is made from just 2 ingredients: meat and fat, though berries or other ingredients are often added.

The fat provides the energy needed for a strenuous journey. The meat provides the protein and strength for the journey.   When berries are added, they provide additional energy (glucose) and also antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber.

You can literally survive for weeks or months on nothing but pemmican and water.

Since it is so nutritionally dense (lots of energy without a lot of weight), it is the perfect food to put in your survival backpack or Bug Out Bag.

Note that pemmican doesn’t taste very good – and this is another reason it is such a good survival food.

Why would you want to pack something which isn’t tasty?

Consider that the Canadian Arctic Rescue team recommends putting a can of dog food in your car as survival food.

The idea is that dog food tastes bad, and you won’t be tempted to eat through it so quickly (as you might with yummy granola bars).  The dog food idea is interesting, but I’d rather pack pemmican for my survival food!

For more on survival foods, read our survival food list and post about food stockpiling mistakes.


How long will pemmican last?

If everything is dry and the meat is prepared properly, this stuff can last for decades when stored correctly.

However, because there is a lot of fat in pemmican, the fat can go rancid from oxidation. There is also a lot of moisture in the air, which can re-enter the pemmican. Once moist, the pemmican can start going bad.

The key to maximizing the shelf life of pemmican is to store the pemmican away from oxygen and moisture.

Obviously, I haven’t had pemmican sitting around for a decade on my shelf to tell you whether it will last this long. 🙂 But I have eaten pemmican which is over a year old. To play it safe, I would make sure to cycle/rotate through your pemmican stockpile every year or so.

How do you store pemmican?

The key to maximizing the shelf life of pemmican is to keep it in a cool, dark, and dry place. When stored in these conditions (such as in an airtight container in your pantry), the pemmican should last at least 6-12 months.

If your region is particularly humid and hot (think Florida), then you are probably better off storing pemmican in the refrigerator. Better safe than sorry!

If you want to store pemmican for long periods of time (such as for emergency food), then you will need to package it in Mylar bags with oxygen absorbers – but it will need to be incredibly dry. You can read how to do this here.

Can you use pork fat in pemmican?

We would caution against using any cut of pork or pork fat in pemmican as it can contain harmful bacteria.

Can you use lard to make pemmican?

Lard is rendered pig fat; we would advise against using any pork products in pemmican due to the risks of trichinosis.

Can I use ground beef to make pemmican?

Ground beef should work well but make sure it doesn’t burn in the preparation phase.

Can I use coconut oil instead of tallow in pemmican?

If dried and prepared correctly. Coconut and other oils should work well in place of tallow. However, the shelf life of the pemmican might be shorter than if you don’t use tallow.

Utopia Festival – Long Table dinner flickr photo by jencastrotakespictures shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) license CC License BY NC ND 2.0By Jen Arrr (Pemmican BallUploaded by oaktree_b) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

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    • Yes, just make sure they are VERY dry before you grind them into a powder. You don’t want to introduce moisture into the mix or it will go bad faster.

  1. Okay, I’m a bit confused about pork fat safety. It is true there is tric potential in pork, BUT it is also shelf stable due to the rendering process, which heats the fat to more than the recommended 165° F temp. Lard was also used as a method of meat preservation, so why would it be questionable in pelican? Just an honest question because I have access to nearly unlimited natural raised pork fat from a local farmer.

  2. Having fantastic luck making large batches of this using our freeze-dryer. ‘Extra lean’ very fresh local ground beef or thin-sliced sirloin or (lean) cheap roast all work equally well. We crush blueberries with a fork right in the stainless trays before freeze drying (to break the skins). Our mix (all by weight) is 5:1 meat to blueberries, grind to powder in a high-speed blender, then a 1:1 mix of that with tallow and about 1 tsp of coarse (non-iodine) salt per batch.

    Then we seal 100 gram bars (roughly 700 calories each) in 7 mil Mylar in our JVR100 chamber vacuum sealer with 200cc oxygen absorbers, then double-seal them with an impulse sealer. I’m extremely confident in the longevity of them when packed in this manner.

    There are some excellent videos on Youtube re: rendering tallow easily from beef kidney suet with just a crock-pot and some salt & water – our local butcher sells grass-fed suet for $2.99 a pound, and 2 pounds rendered into tallow is enough for 20 or more pemmican bars.

    Unfortunately it doesn’t appear that we can post pics here, or I certainly would of the whole process. I’d encourage anyone who can to lay in a freeze dryer – not cheap, but the most versatile machine we’ve bought in the last 10 years, and we use ours constantly.

    • Yes, freeze dryer machines are amazing. I hope that the prices will start falling in the next few years because, as you said, they are expensive!

  3. Hello,
    I was wondering if the thin strips of meat can be smoked using wood on a fire until it is dried as long as it is kept at the proper drying temperature in the homemade smoker.

    • Yes, it could — but you should practice that with a small amount of meat first. Smoking has a higher learning curve than one might think!

  4. Hello everyone, thank you for sharing. I am reviving an old tradition of fish pemmican making with our community. Anyone else try making fish powder? You can wind-dry strips of fish, or bake in the oven

  5. Is there a food hydrator that you would recommend that doesn’t break the bank? I don’t mind doing this in “batches”. The results should be zero moisture left in the meat and/or fruit.

    • Almost any cheap dehydrator will work. But you will have to rotate the trays so the pemmican dries evenly. And, with meat, it’s better to have a good food dehydrator where the temperature settings actually work.

  6. You are really helping my prepping (food) for my trip to the Appalachian Trail! My only question is how to dry the berries/fruit properly and I assume its also ground up to tiny pieces also? FYI,
    South Chicago Packing Wagyu Beef Tallow, 42 Ounces, Paleo-friendly, Keto-friendly, 100% Pure Wagyu
    is found on Amazon for $29.99 and I am going that route.
    At the age of 73 when I hit the trail, I don’t mess around but play it safe!

    • Blend the berries or at smash them up first. Spread the “jam” on the dehydrator trays. They should be dry enough that they snap when when bent. You shouldn’t see any moisture coming out of the berries when you squeeze them. You can then use a high-speed blender to grind these berries into a powder if you want.

  7. I am about to try this for the first time for survival food purposes. I will probably buy the tallow, I am assuming you just heat that until it’s melted? Do you use honey in place of the fat or in addition to it for flavor? What gives it the best storage life pantry or freezer, likely freezer I would think. Once I have things ground into a powder would it be helpful to dry it a little more, just to make sure there is no moisture? Thanks

    • As for honey and fat, you’ve got to play around with it to see what ratio you like best. If you add too much of either, the pemmican won’t hold together well. And the freezer will definitely give the best shelf life. It basically lasts forever in the freezer, though it can absorb weird smells from the freezer so keep it in sealed bag + a good plastic container.

  8. I’m thinking of adding blueberry, peanut butter powder and honey to the meat and tallow. Will the honey make it too sticky? I’d have to individually wrap each portion like a tootsie roll.

    • It might make it sticky but it will be yummy. 🙂 Honey is a natural preservative, so it has that going for it.

    • Hi Barbie,

      I’m learning about this process, as you are. But I must share with you my concerns about using honey in a recipe that must contain extremely dried foods. Honey is a humectant; which means it draws moisture from the air. It will cause whatever it is added to to increase in moisture.

      I doubt the pemmican made with honey will last long.

      All the best with your preparations!

      Be well,

  9. I notice some folks insist that the meat be cooked first to get every bit of fat out while others say absolutely do NOT cook the meat before drying. I purchased some meat that does have a small amount of fat in it so I’m a bit concerned that it’s not lean enough to just go straight into the dehydrator. Would love some input 🙂

    • I don’t understand that recommendation either. Back in the day, they used to smoke the meat which involved some heating anyhow. So I’m cooking mine. I’m using super lean ground beef: grassfed, then drying in a freeze dryer. Plus, you go to all the trouble to get super lean meet, then pour a vat of melted fat into it to hold it all together. So it’s about ensuring there’s no fat in it that could go rancid if it’s raw. Let’s see how it comes out.

  10. Haven’t made this but I wanted to comment. An elderly family friend I went to check on after hurricane Katrina on the very humid gulf coast had been eating his old MRE’s he had stored in an outside storage shed. He had eaten hot dogs among other things. They were 20 years old from time he was in Reserves. I was shocked! It’s been over 15 years now and he’s still in good health & didn’t get sick. MRE boxes give much shorter shelf life but I’m now comfortable keeping mine from Katrina a bit longer as we lost power for wks after Ida this year. MRE’s are vacuum sealed I believe and a 3 meal/day has around 5000 calories from what I was told from Reservists helping after storms.

    • I did 27 years between the Marine Corps and the Army and I can tell you for a fact MRE’s do go bad as I encountered more than a few. If you open a pouch and everything is a very, very wrong color of brown and smells bad then you know its bad! If your lucky enough to have a case the outer box will have a date on it. The individual MRE does not. If MRE’s have hit their shelf life they can be extended by 1 year but this has to be done by Veterinarian Services (don’t know why and NEVER seen it done). That said I have eaten MRE’s that were 5 years past shelf life and didn’t get sick but wouldn’t recommend it. As far as calories go there are 2,000-2,500 calories per MRE (if you eat everything in it). So 2 MRE’s a day is already double the RDA and we only ever got issued 2 for a day. Even on 2 a day I found I gained weight on deployments. However I would keep a few of my crackers and peanut butter, jelly or cheese spread in my pack and use those as “lunch”. About 10-15 years ago they also started producing TOTEM meals (cant remember what that stands for) which are a paired down MRE, (primarily used in training environments) that have fewer calories. You can order either on line. I have a few TOTEM’s I keep around for emergencies instead of MRE’s (I get mine at the commissary on base since I have access). Of note I also keep a few “Heater meals” which you can get at truck stops. They have a pouch you pour water in and it heats the food. If your packing a bag and worried about weight (I even did this in the Army) there are dehydrated meals you can find at Walmart in the camping section and all you have to do is heat water and pour it in. I keep alot of dehydrated meals on hand. I live in the mountains of Wyoming and can loose power for days in the winter so its always a good idea to have “emergency food” supply on hand.

  11. i have many pemmican ingredient ideas, lemme know your thoughts:

    diatomaceous earth
    powdered maple sugar
    applewood smoked salt
    granulated blackstrap molasses
    alternative salt
    bee pollen
    white pepper
    essential oils
    gooseberry (golden berry)
    dried A1 sauce
    dried sriracha sauce
    mustard seed
    caraway seed
    poppy seed
    ginger powder
    sassafras root
    emmentaler aged for over 2yrs

  12. It’s my first time making it. At first I didn’t put enough fat so it was super dry and crunchy and braking apart so I put it back into pan with more fat. I’ve added salt, garlic powder and onion powder. It still broke some when cutting. I used a pizza cutter. So I choked on my first batch but hopefully second will be safer to swallow. Either way it tastes awful to me. Luckily it was only 2 pounds of venison which were soaked in salt before drying. I didn’t have dried blueberries yet. Will that improve the taste a lot? How much would I add?

    • Fat and sweetness will always improve taste. 🙂 You’ve got to experiment with the flavors and amounts though to find something which works for you. I personally might cut back on the garlic powder as it can be overpowering.

  13. Hi PS,
    I just started searching this after finding a video on Youtube. I’m wondering if you could use pemmican as a food while you are riding (cycling) like a protein bar ? Reading somewhere else, it is more of a base to make a meal rather than as a food in itself but here it seems to be different. Or is it the way it is made that dictates this ?

    • Yes, I have friends who cycle and they often snack on pemmican. It’s not ideal for multi-week trips though because the heat can cause the pemmican to go bad. It’s kind of impossible to keep it cool in your saddlebag for days on end.

  14. Trichinella spiralis is transmitted by eating spores encysted in muscle of an infected animal. Other than the encysted spore, any other stage of the parasite easily is killed by cooking. Even the spores will die if raised to 165 degrees F. The larvae are known to encyst in the striated muscle of the definitive host. Unless the animal is grossly infected, the probability of finding a cyst in rendered fat is, essentially, zero.

  15. I add dried powdered onion, garlic, sage, and a hint of cayenne to mine for flavor before drying. Deerskin bags of pemmican, have been found in the northeast and are still edible after 200 years.

    • Carnation Instant breakfasts are basically milk powder + sugar. Milk powder will eventually go bad (the fats go rancid). However, it shouldn’t shorten the shelf life too much. Sorry I can’t give you an exact time. 🙁

      • I dry my meat bone dry and never had a problem with the rendered fat holding it together. As far as crunchy goes, just let it sit in your mouth a min and it softens up. I just ate some tonight that has been in my fridge for 4 years and it’s still fine.

    • I don’t see why it wouldn’t work 🙂 You might just have to play with the amounts a bit since (from what I remember) different animals have different percentages of certain fats, so it might make one fat harder or softer than another.

  16. I’m new to pemmican but not to food safety. Trichinosis and bacteria are not a problem if pork is cooked before drying and pork fat is rendered.
    It should also be mentioned that a sterile environment and procedures should be used during preparation, as with any preserved or stored food.
    Can’t wait to make my first batch.

  17. Can I beef jerky from the store and use it instead of drying my own? I’m just starting out and learning as I go. Thank you

    • I haven’t tried that but I’m sure it would work. You’d just have to make sure to choose a brand of jerky which is very dry (in other words, has a very long shelf life).

  18. I store mine in mason jars with a thin layer of suet fat on top to seal in the pemmican. I have some that I’ve stored it this way for over 10 years and have eaten from it with no ill effects

    • Yes, vacuum sealing would be fine and help extend shelf life even more. Just note that vacuum sealer bags aren’t actually 100% air tight. If it’s humid where you store it, moisture will still get into the pemmican. You might want to add a desiccant to the bags to help with the moisture.

  19. Just watched Steve1989MREInfo on youtube eat Pemmican from a 1906 WWI emergency ration can, he didn’t die, so I think it would be good for a lifetime as long as it is vacuum packed.

  20. Have been making 88 lbs of this stuff get sirloin steak on sale 5 bucks a lb if ya can 10 lbs meat about 2:5 lbs powder meat 100 lbs meat getting me about 44 lbs pemmican play around with tallow meat ratio 1 to 1 ratio a little to oily for this guy add stuff play around with it nuts flax seed meal whatever this ain’t something ya want to order in a restaurant but we are taking 50 day canoe trip in Canada I’m planning on 44 lbs per person but then that depends on fishin good luck

  21. I’ve tried making it with coconut oil. It’s fine if you’re eating it right out of the fridge but it would liquify in your backpack on a summer canoe trip. I’ve just ordered grass-fed beef fat and am making some with tallow next week. I can’t wait to add this to my Keto lifestyle for backwoods canoe tripping and hiking. Should make a perfect light energy source.

    • Hey Mark – thanks for sharing your experience regarding the coconut oil, as mentioned above it really needs to be kept in a cool and dark place for the reasons you specify. Let us know how you get on with the beef fat.

    • Vegetable oils should be fine. Not sure on chicken fat, I think it shouldn’t cause any problems but if anyone else knows for sure please comment here.

      • Vegetable oils or seed oils, are very bad for you. Virgin Coconut oil is very good, as is butter or ghee and of course tallow, which is the best.

  22. Can I dry out beef jerky? I find that it is too wet to make the pemmican. I tried shedding it but didn’t work very well.

    • Hi Lynne – not sure what you are asking here, beef jerky is already dried out and is an excellent survival food in its own right. Please could you clarify.

    • It should work just fine. While beef jerky is dried, it is not as dry as you need this meat to be, so drying it further should work.

    • Lard is rendered pig fat so we would caution against it (see above). Peanut powder should work very well as it has very little moisture content.

      • All peanut products contain aflatoxin. Just a thought. I personally avoid peanuts and peanut butter/ oils. Even organic is tainted.

  23. I understand I can make Chicken Pemmican with coconut oil…. should it be fresh-pressed and unrefined or refined organic…….

    • Not sure what you are asking here. You will need beef fat to render tallow, don’t think there will be enough fat in the ground beef itself.

    • Tallow is made by rendering suet which is the fat around the kidneys. It is a more waxy fat than the subcutaneous fat we see in out steaks and ground beef.

    • I’ve gotta comment on all this “honey is a preservative.” Not so. Pure honey won’t grow bacteria, but mixed with e.g. meat, etc. is different! That being said, the rendered fat will tend to preserve most otherwise safe foods (e.g. tric. worm free). My uncle ran Ventura Co., CA public health for many years, said tric. in US pork wasn’t an issue. Even so, COOK YOUR PORK.

  24. I love Pemmican! However, I carry two different versions…One is loaded with berries and a hint of honey, the other has a hint of cayenne pepper. My bag is packed with a half pound of each!

    • Hi, Kirk! What are the ingredients you use I. Your 2 pemmicans? I will use the directions up above to make it, but maybe try one of your sets of ingredients.
      Thank you!
      Misty Stroh

      • Questions:

        1) Ratios in your recipe are measured by weight:
        1part Tallow, 6 parts meat.

        Do you mean the dehydrated/powdered meat weight or the weight of the meat before dehydrating?

        2) The recipe states ratios to be 1:6 tallow/meat (and adjust to preference) but later is stated the traditional recipe is 1:1.
        That’s a very big difference in almost all factors. ie. Consistency, taste, nutritional value etc.
        Can you explain more?

        Thank you in advance,
        All this is important information to myself and my family. I want to make the best pelican possible.

        • It’s 1 part tallow to 6 parts dried meat. But you can really experiment with this. The recipe is very forgiving. If you add to much dry meat, it might not stick together well, but the you can just add more tallow to the mix 🙂

        • I imagine the traditional ratio of 1:1 was for survival rather than taste. The more meat, the tastier it is. However for survival, the fat is truly the important factor. If you can’t catch big game and the lakes are frozen or there are storms and can’t fish, if you are able to trap rabbits/hares or have a source of dried meat with you, just a little fat from the pemmican allows you to digest the very lean rabbit meat, or dried meat, and your body is able to metabolize the protein in the meat. People used to die from starvation whilst their stomachs were full of rabbit because it’s so lean they couldn’t metabolize any of the protein. Modern ratios are more concerned about flavour, and with meat in plentiful supply, why not up the ratio? This is just my best guess though, based on a fair bit of reading and learning about bush craft.

      • Honey is Bacteriostatic and pretty much can last forever. Honey found in ancient tombs is still edible thousands of years later.

    • Honey is an antibacterial preservative. Also, an effective way to prevent wound infections if you lack anything quicker. It will halt bacteria growth and kill any that are encased in the honey in 8-24 days. Some cultures would store foods or other degradable items in honey. A few have been found intact and in theory edible even 1,000s of years later. 3,000 years is the oldest honey I know of. Although there is no report of anyone being willing to try eating several 1,000 year old honey and anything stored in it. From all testing done it *should* be safe.

      I would try to get honey straight from a beekeeper though. Even the “raw” honey and others in stores are still excessively filtered to thin them for easy pouring or spreading and to prevent crystallization. It also removes numerous beneficial compounds in the honey. Aside from removing so much of the flavor complexity that I call all store bought honey “sugar goo”. Apiarists have commented that the honey they sell to companies for packaging looks completely different by the time it makes it to store shelves despite no indication on the label anything has been done to it.

  25. I note that you caution against using pork. What about cured pork such as pork jowls or coppa (lean cuts) and made into a powder as a part of the meat? I have nothing against beef but am thinking about flavor.

    • Using even cured pork can be risky unless you can verify how it was cured? See this post: “”

        • Domestic pork and its fat is perfectly safe: Freezing cuts of pork less than 6 inches thick for 20 days at 5 °F (−15 °C) or three days at −4 °F (−20 °C) kills Trichinosis Spiralis larval worms.

          You only need to avoid WILD pig/boar meat or bear. Those are not affected by freezing the meat.

          • Just curious. If it’s tric. in the boar/bear also, the same temp/time freezing *should* work. Is your info from microbio testing? Reality is Reality .

      • You can prevent bacteria from forming on pork via a variety of methods. Making pemmican out of pork would eliminate bacteria concerns unless it was improperly prepared or stored.

        The much harder thing to kill is a microscopic parasite called trichinosis that used to be extremely common in all hogs and was spread to even most farm raised animals mostly by rodents. Steps taken to prevent bacteria growth will not destroy trichinosis cysts and they can survive in meat for years. You can still get an infestation eating dried, smoked, or salted meat. Bacteria free pork will still get you sick with trichinosis parasites if you don’t cook it hot enough and well done. The FDA lowered recommended minimum cooking temps of pork relatively recently because the parasite has become uncommon in US domestic hogs. In some countries infections remain in the 10,000s per year and can result in death without treatment.

        While it is most commonly acquired from hogs merely avoiding pork will not keep you completely safe from trichinosis when eating wild caught meat. There are multiple species of the parasite that infest a wide variety of animals in different countries. In North America pork and bear are generally the most common sources but there are species that infect other hooved animals, most carnivores including reptiles like crocodiles, and birds. There is a case of someone being infected after eating cougar meat in Washington state.

        Some species of the parasite like the one most commonly found in all swine (wild or domestic) can be killed by freezing. The species found in subarctic animals including polar bears, foxes, and marine mammals such as walruses is extremely resistant to freezing.

        The biggest concern with trichinosis even in animals it is not common is due to the larval cysts being microscopic. You can’t tell if meat is infected by inspecting it like you can many other parasites. You can sometimes find visible damage from the parasite in the intestines and other areas of the body.

        • Can grocery store whole hams that are labeled as “fully cooked” be safely dried (either by dehydrator or oven) and consumed as jerky?
          If not, will freezing it first make it safe?
          If yes, is it safe to believe this “fully cooked” dried (& frozen?) ham is acceptable for making Pemmican?


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