When you think of a “prepper” or “survivalist,” what image comes to mind?
Probably the image reinforced by virtually every prepping blog and media report: a youngish man in good health who has a Bug Out Bag packed and is ready to flee into the wilderness at the first sign of trouble.
But my image of a prepper is a bit different. I think of my grandma.
My grandmother is one of the most influential people in my life. She grew up when self-reliance was a valued trait, and people cherished what they had.
While I am not yet elderly and can’t personally attest to how emotionally trying it must be to lose your independence, I have spent a lot of time thinking about how prepping differs for older people.
I’ve also talked to my grandma a lot, as well as many other older members of my prepping community, to see what their concerns are.
Based on that, here are some prepping tips for the elderly. Regardless of age, everyone has the right and obligation to be prepared!
1. Take Stock of Your Health
One of the most significant factors that make disaster prepping for the elderly different is special medical needs. Now, a lot of prepping websites – harp on about how you should work on improving your health right now.
Yes, you must take steps to get healthy. But, I find the advice to “get healthy” very condescending. It’s not like you can reverse all the symptoms of aging just by walking more and eating healthier food!
The elderly are particularly susceptible to disaster conditions. Just consider how 71% of the people who died during Hurricane Katrina were over 60.
So, let’s focus on more practical tips for prepping for any medical issues you might have:
- Make a list of what medications you are on and your dosing schedule. Keep it with your emergency binder.
- Stockpile at least 1 month’s worth of medications.
- Remember to pay attention to expiration dates! Rotate your meds and store medications properly.
- Are there any natural alternatives to your current medications that you could use?
Medical Supplies/Equipment:
- Keep spare batteries for your equipment charged and ready to go.
- Get an emergency generator (Amazon link) for any powered medical equipment.
- Have backups of essential medical equipment.
- Consider using a Faraday cage to protect medical devices against EMP.
2. Be Ready to Flee
We have advanced warnings for the most common types of disasters – such as hurricanes and tornadoes. The problem is that people don’t heed the warning and wait too long to evacuate. It may be too late by the time they’ve made the decision. They’ll face obstacles like roadblocks and traffic jams.
As an elderly person, you can’t afford to get stuck in your vehicle while a hurricane is approaching, nor can you push through crowds at bus stations for a seat on the last departing bus.
Here’s how to make sure you get out on time.
Stay Informed:
- Get a good emergency radio. Set up NOAA alerts for your area.
Leave before the Event Becomes a Disaster:
- Leave even if the disaster level is still at “watch” and not yet “warning.”
- Decide in advance under what conditions you will leave so you don’t let emotions/indecision take control. It is better to flee now (even if the disaster never occurs) rather than risk staying.
Have a Place to Go:
- Plan a place to go outside of the likely disaster zone, such as a relative’s home, that you can go to without advanced notice.
- Make sure you know directions to the location.
Be Ready to Leave Immediately:
- Have a Bug Out Bag packed, making sure it includes your medications.
- Know how to shut down power, gas, and water for emergencies.
- Know how to disaster-proof your home, such as bringing in lawn furniture.
Stay Mobile:
- Keep your vehicle filled with at least a half tank of gas at all times
- If you use a battery-powered wheelchair or scooter, make sure you have a backup battery charged at all times.
- Have spare walkers and other mobility-assisting equipment readily available.
- Consider getting specialized wheels for your wheelchair so it can go over rubble.
3. Plan to Bug In
Even though you should be prepared to flee at the first moment’s notice of a disaster (even if the disaster never occurs), the reality is that many elderly people will stay put during a disaster.
They might be unable to leave because of physical conditions, or there may not be enough advance warning of the disaster.
So, one of the best disaster prepping tips for the elderly is to be ready to bug in.
In many ways, bugging in is the same for the elderly as the rest of the population. But there are some additional factors the elderly need to prep for.
Stockpile 30 Days’ Worth of Emergency Supplies:
- Checklist of emergency food
- How much water to stockpile
- Know emergency water purification methods
- List of non-food items to stockpile
- Complete first aid kit checklist
Other Bug-In Priorities:
- How to make an emergency toilet
- How to make an emergency heater
- Ways to cook without electricity
- What you need to know about emergency candles
*Want to see how prepared you are? Use this Emergency Preparedness Checklist. The checklist will show you where your preparedness strengths and weaknesses are.
4. It Is Okay to Rely on FEMA (to a point)
I know I will get a lot of stick for this one. Especially considering how much FEMA has failed us in past disasters. Hurricane Katrina is a prime example of this: people were crowded into emergency shelters without food, water, or toilets for days.
However, just because our goal is self-reliance, it doesn’t mean we should dismiss the resources that the government provides us in times of crisis.
Consider Special Needs Shelters:
As the CDC discusses, many states set up Special Needs Shelters for medically dependent residents. These shelters are typically staffed by medical personnel. You are still expected to bring your own medications, equipment, and caregiver, but there will be more support than in your typical shelter.
Create Signs to Signal for Help:
Pre-make large signs to put in your windows if you need to be rescued.
Don’t let the bravado self-reliance talk in prepper communities get to you. There is no shame in asking for help when you need it!
Register for Evacuation Assistance:
Some states (such as Florida) have laws that say individuals with special needs are eligible for evacuation assistance.
Your friends and family might be unable to help you, so these services could save your life during an emergency. Register with your local emergency management agency before a disaster hits!
5. Forget Most Traditional Prepping Advice
Unfortunately, as an elderly person, a lot of the traditional prepping advice doesn’t apply to you. For example:
Advice: Stock up on items that can be used for bartering.
Reality: If elderly people try to barter, they’ll expose their stash and get mugged.
Advice: Learn wilderness survival skills.
Reality: Elderly people with medical conditions won’t be able to withstand the elements and do many of the survival tasks that require physical strength.
Instead, focus on your unique situation and the strengths you have. You might be surprised – like how being elderly could benefit you since people will perceive you as weak and not worthwhile as a target.
6. Safety In Numbers!
Think about building a “personal support network.” These are the people who will help you during an emergency. It could be your family, neighbors, or a prepping community that you join.
Here are some things to do:
- Arrange for someone to check in on you in an emergency.
- Make sure people in your network have copies of your keys.
- Make a communication plan (and don’t count on the telephone to be working)
- Notify each other when going out of town.
- Make sure the relationship is mutual. What do you have to offer?
7. Arm Yourself
No one knows what will happen in a disaster scenario, but we can predict that people might target the elderly for looting or mugging because of their perceived weakness.
The obvious solution to this is to arm yourself, but in reality, that could backfire.
If you use a firearm to defend yourself, you better be prepared to use it. The backfire can also be a big problem for many senior citizens.
Instead of a firearm, you might consider using alternative weapons such as pepper spray.
And don’t forget about defense – looking like you have nothing worth stealing will prevent you from being a target!
8. Don’t Forget the Little Things
The little things can make a big difference in your disaster preparedness. Here are just some of the things for elderly preppers to keep in mind. Let me know if you have anything to add to this!
- Pack extra glasses
- Have extra batteries for hearing aids
- Be sure to include copies of your medical insurance, medications, and doctors in your emergency documents
- Have an emergency contact list
- Have an emergency plan for your pets
- Improve your home security
- Educate yourself about disasters
Are you an elderly prepper? In what ways are you taking disaster prep into your own hands? We’d love to hear from you!
One thing that people who need to stockpile meds have forgotten is that as seniors we have probably learned to be patient. What I have done with my and my husband’s meds is every month I pull out ONE pill and put it in an old bottle of the same medicine. Most insurance plans allow for the loss of one pill/month.
When I have a month’s worth I recycle that by taking the new one and starting a new bottle. It takes longer to get a month’s worth of any one med but like I said, I’m patient enough to have built up a significant stockpile over the years. Just remember to keep recycling the old meds with the new.
I am going to start the “a pill a month”!! great idea. Thank you
This site is THE place to start. I’ll go as far as to say that I don’t think there is another prepping site out there equal to this one.
My thoughts:
I’m a bit older (closing in on 80) than most posters on this topic so except for natural disasters requiring evac, I’ll be armed, have an amateur radio
communications license with gear, and will be bugging in and looking and smelling like I’m living out of a shopping cart so to not draw attention. I’ve always been a Boy Scout – Be Prepared. Career military. Now old but not weak, stupid or a quitter. If you’re so inclined, check with the local militia groups for support and see what you can do for each other. Likely won’t necessarily need to join but might offer support. The community thing.
Everything is expensive thanks to the politicians. It just won’t include steaks two meals a week. As you have stated, it’s never too late to begin. And a 30-day supply is not that hard to accumulate.
Think camping for a month. Make a list of what you normally eat – you’d be surprised how repetitive and boring it is, yet those foods are easy to prep, most likely healthy and good to eat and you love them.
Buy something to add to the stock every week or payday. Buy one or two extras when you restock your staples. We’re not under any immediate threat but do reserve a bottle of beer with a screw cap, and some chips and then get a lawn chair for the big one.
Meanwhile, choose easy to cook, protein-rich staples like white and pinto beans; carbs white rice; legumes lentils, quinoa, and pastas all of which require less fuel to prepare. Buy bulk and repackage. If you can’t go the mylar bag and O2 absorber route, freeze dry foods for 3-days to slow or eliminate weevil eggs hatching. Don’t forget seasonings, plus salt, pepper and sugar to avoid food boredom.
Here’s a link showing examples of legumes, beans and pulses: https://www.patriciabannan.com/blog/nutrition/whats-the-difference-between-a-legume-bean-and-pulse/
Stock tomato soup, sauce and paste. You can make a lot of meals with a can of tomato anything. Canned meats last a very long time. Buy two good rechargeable flashlights and a portable, 2-burner camping stove with 4 small propane cylinders. Or portable charcoal grills, and two spark lighters – Walmart or Amazon.
Stock a few gallons of drinking water then get some LifeStraw hiking water filters that can also be used as a gravity-fed filtration system. Think under sink systems that use off the shelf filters and are good for about 4,000 gallons for chlorine, metals, and sediment. Pair that with some fittings and tubing and add a camping filter for protozoa and giardia, to that and you may have something that will safely filter everything from pool to lake and stream water. Get fancy and add rechargeable LiFePO battery and solar panel and small RV water pump to make it completely portable. It’s all on Amazon or eBay.
Get to looking around you all the time and thinking this way and you’ll reduce the number of moments where your mind goes; “Oh crap, I didn’t think of that.”
One more item to consider – a firearm. Short 19″ barrel pump shotgun – a basic one – nothing fancy, with an assortment of shells starting with #1 buckshot for medium game and intruders, 00 buckshot for larger game and intruders, rifled slugs for large game, and #6 birdshot for smaller game. Read up on types of loads and designed uses. Oh, and if living in a problematic area, look into CCW insurance – yes despite the Castle Doctrine, you can still be sued by the perp.
Good advice. I live in wildfire country in a one way in/out area so when the advisory comes along, we’re packing and watching the reports. Nothing quite like being gridlocked on the highway, getting BBQ’ed inside your SUV toy car with a full tank of gas, or a battery powered kiddie car as the Li batteries explode.
I am just reaching that age of retirement. been prepping of on for many years. just started prepping as aging person myself after helping taking care of aging parents defiantly changed my mind set and thinking. with current situation. my 18 years military experience it value over over again . along with skills Leason learned from my father.
Almost 65yo, and my partner is 67. We both grew up in large country families, where we learned how to get through tough times. I’m a veteran (Army, 10 years) and he’s a retired property manager and maintenance man for senior community. We hunt, fish and garden.
We don’t consider ourselves “preppers” as we’ve been doing this since childhood. It’s just of normal way of living, being prepared for whatever life throws our way.
I’m also an herbalist, growing both medicinal and culinary herbs. Being a veteran, and serving as a first responder at my former job, I’ve learned most emergency medical skills. Which helps me with taking care of my old man, as he’s diabetic and has Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome. Other than arthritis, my health is very good for my age.
My only suggestion for older preppers is education. Take classes, read book and learn new skills. And you don’t have to spend tons of money learning new skills. Public library, videos, books and magazines will give great advice and lessons. Talk to like minded seniors and build your community.
No one speaks about the money involved in preparation. I’m 73 and totally on my own. I’m financially unable to stockpile much of anything, let alone buy a generator. I do have a large amount of dried beans, peas, etc. Which will do nothing but look nice if power and water supply are gone. I have RA, and a pain moderator implant for my back. People in this small town don’t drink the water anyway. Not sure I would survive long the kind of hard scrabble life coming. Or want to. Very glad for those who have family and help. Just many do not, these days
Sorry to hear about your dilemma. I tell my fellow seniors to start at Dollar Tree to buy small quantities of food. They also carry alcohol, peroxide, lighters, and some over the counter meds. For an alternate way to cook: make a hobo stove. It is made from a tin can and burns using small twigs. At least it would give you some hope for starting out. You can save water in used soda bottles. This may not be the preferred method for some but for survival it will do. Dump them out every 6 months and refill. Keep in a cool dark place. Place bowls and pans in your yard to refill if necessary. Hope this helps you Linda. Blessings to you.
As an 80 year old ex prepper, I read your post with interest. Finally someone is addressing the elderly survivor issues. I am a retired Marine who is reasonably healthy, but my wife could not deal with the rigors of bugging out. Most of the issues you have brought up we are prepared for. The final actions depend on two main factors. First is where do you live. ie city or countryside. The second is coordinating or not, who is going to be around for the disaster and what are there plans. Obviously knowledge of the above and flexibility when the disaster occurs is key. There is no cookie cutter answer. Thank you recognizing the issue for seniors. Remember the seven “P’s”.
I am 69 yr old female handicapped retired, widowed. I live in a bad homeless violent neighborhood in Los Angeles on a second floor. I will be bunkering down with 2cats 1dog please advise
Great post!!! We are a large overlooked group!!!! So really appreciate your post! Hope you write more and that your readers will add more. So, readers let’s get our “thinking caps” on and send all the things we can think of given time to this!!!
I really liked reading all the comments on this site. My only concern is my health. I have several meds that I have to take or die. My insurance company will not refill a script if I have more than a day or two left. How can you get a stock pile that way. I had considered getting them through the mail from Canada or Mexico but have not tried yet.
I’d start with talking to your doctor to see if you can get an extra prescription so you at least always have a 1 month supply on hand (obviously 3+ months is better). A lot of those mail-order medications websites are actually legit and incredibly cheaper. You’ve just got to be very, very careful about choosing the right one.
I’m not an elderly prepper, but I AM mobility challenged. I rely on a cane for short walking distances, and have to use a wheelchair for longer periods. But even so, this actually has helped out alot. My cane can also double as a self defense tool, and I sew and do crochet. I’ve lived without power and indoor running water for 3 years so I know about storing up water, using flashlights, candles, and kerosene lanterns for light. I also grew up gathering wood, kindling, and such. I’m not the most prepared, but I do mostly know how to make sure my family and myself is taken care of. Even so…with us having moved to a completely new state I think we definitely need to set up a network.
All good advice. My problem is that if it is long term and wide spread, it doesn’t do me any good. Need medications that are only available in clinical setting. BUT, that does not prevent me from prepping for hurricanes, power outages, etc. I can shelter in place or bug out.
I am 79+. I was raised on our small family farm. Being a preppier is nothing new. Livestock, chickens, gardening and canning is what we do. Storing water is one of the few things that is new to me. Self protection/firearms is our Sunday afternoon family entertainment. Saying all that, I still read everything that comes along to make my family more prepared.
I recently gave a little lesson and led a discussion on emergency preparedness at my DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) meeting. I was amazed that most of the ladies at that meeting thought being prepared was “If the tornado alarms go off, grab your dog and or child and go sit in the hallway, away from windows.” Most of them had not even thought of stocking up. I did find out how many own guns. I think they thought they were prepared. I told them to get out one of the books about the American Revolution and imagine the lifestyle of the ladies of that era. Growing, hunting, preserving your food. No communications, transportation, electricity, gas, running water. The were a very good audience. Ask a lot of questions after the meeting. They thought I was so smart. I am NOT smart. I am OLD and I know how to do things.
You have done a fantastic job here! I am well… I just realized it is hard to admit elderly now. I wanted to write maybe a blog myself but you have covered everything. I also don’t live in a country setting. I do the best I can. Thank you for all the great ideas.
You have a broken link, Checklist of emergency food
Might want to check the others.
Thanks fixed that.
At 71-1/2 My biggest worry is the time when I run out of betablockers. Then my pulse climbs to 3 or 4 times the medicated rate, I’ll have shortness of breath, & my bloodpressures will both be well over 130. The doctors, pharmacists, & insurance companies have a system that prevents seniors from stockpiling essential prescription drugs. Each of them has self appointed themselves as Lord of the Prescription.
My other 5 meds I can do without, with minor discomfort.
You finally brought up the problem that we seniors dread—not being able to stockpile Rx drugs. As far as I can see there is nothing we can do. Having enough dried beans and water won’t help much without life saving medicines. My husband and I will probably die in a month without these. Does anyone have solutions for this?
There are some pharmacies in Canada that you can order those kind of medicines without a prescription. I have pretty good luck with them. The only thing is you must pay the extra so you can track them. Sometimes nowadays it can take a while to receive them. Do a search for Canadian pharmacies that advertise “no prescription”.
It is wonderful to be very positive at such age as 70 and older. Please understand, the difficulty will be much more by 1,000 fold they your minds can comprehend. Yes, even though we older people are somewhat accustomed to a more modest life style, and think we can handle this “SHTF” situation talked about a lot now days, WE CAN’T. We can deflect some of the upset that will happen. So, there is limited way to accomodate with the age we have on us. Of course there are exceptions where the younger family is around, and one older can follow along and still get a higher security level, and logistical level of function. However, don’t kid yourself either. BE SMART, and less sometimes is more. So keep that in mind. Less things may let you keep your life, less defensive activity may keep you from being attached, less exposure may keep you un-noticed and get passed over by/from the violence. Be a gray person, unseen and blending in with the masses as a looser, not a leader with strength, as that is where any aggressive affront will be placed and it will target those that are older and stronger then most seniors. Be wraggity and rickety, e unshaven and smell bad, yes sit your pants and pee yourself for a greater negative to be near. Be out of your head to the opposition, not cognitive to thenaked eye. You will earn your safety if you do.
A lot to ponder there George, your advice could be very effective in remaining “under the radar”. Look out for an upcoming post about the “grey man theory” or the art of blending in.
Hey ClergyLady,
What a great write up. You have a lot of common sense prepping worked into your daily life. We could all learn a lot from this approach. Appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge.
I’m 71. Appreciate that you took the time to address our age group. Old Boomer Kids. I have food for a year or so. And raise some more to eat and can each year. We have chickens, ducks, and rabbits. I love all my critters as both pets and a few on the table. Have a cat and two half grown kittens. All good hunters. A little dog the raises the alarm if any dog, larger amimal or person comes around.
I just bought a new to me replied mobile home. It will be skirted and a dirt berm raised all around. Many skirting panels will be storage are doors and repair entrances to get under the trailer. All will open above the berm. The South end will have a dirt/ rock/ glass panel to gather warm air the can be sent under the trailer to keep Waterlines from freezing or sent into the greenhouse. We heat with a mix of LP gas , and a rocket stove that burns wood and pellets. I can also cook on top of it and keep three gallons of water warming there most of the winter.
I’m building a tiny building that has a shower, tub, hand basin, and toilet. It is near my outdoor kitchen. Water there will be solar heated. My well at the new home and shower room will have a solar powered water pump.
I don’t put bleach in my septic tanks. That keeps a good bacteria action going and keeps the tanks working without pumping for years.
My best friends live rent free in an older mobile home here and help me with everything I can’t do anymore. It works for all of us. If I see he needs a tool I take him shopping at my favorite toy store- Harbor Freight. It pays off in more help when I need it.
My second son has fixed up the tiny home I’d built in the 1980s for my parents. When he returns stateside it is home for his family also. He has helped me here a lot.
I appreciate what they do for me and I do what I can for them.
My youngest son still has a mobile home here but is living in town to have a good job in a Vets Hospital.
We always plan to work together. We call this family of the heart.
I share survival and old time skills while my Native American friends teach local area foods and medicines and I share ones I know in addition to theirs.
All our grandkids are learning and we live ok here.
What the heck am I doing and what’s wrong with me?
I can’t seem to walk into Sam’s these days without throwing a 20 pound bag of Basmati rice and 12 pounds of dried pinto beans into my cart. I get numerous emails advertising great deals on water filters … I have half a dozen now …. but will buy more just because they are a good deal. Walmart … forget it …. I always walk out with two more 12 packs of toilet paper and 6 boxes of pasta! I have now put away 600 pounds of rice in vacuum sealed bags, unknown bags of dried and dehydrated beans … and more hot sauce than should be legal to own.
So what’s wrong with that? Well for starters, my kids are grown, have their own families, and live many hundreds of miles from me. I have a small rescue farm and raise chickens, ducks, goats and the usual smattering of dogs, cats and wild critters. It’s just my wife and I right now. The driveway is ¾ mile long and we have maybe a dozen neighbors spread out over several miles. Still no problem? Well … it came to me one night in a vision ….. I’ll be 70 years old next year. I have enough toilet paper to last a lifetime … for a 20 year old with bowel dysfunction. Maybe they can line my coffin with it instead of that expensive fake silky stuff they use. At least when TEOTWAWKI arrives, I’ll be able to take comfort in knowing the bathroom is properly outfitted. Never mind that the septic tank is full and I forgot to have it pumped out … I forget a lot these days.
I cannot stop putting stuff away. They call it “hoarding” on one of those TV shows made to embarrass people who are frugal and save stuff to be fixed one day. Maybe it’s wishful thinking to buy freeze dried canned food with a 30 year shelf life at my age. I like to think I’ll eventually eat it in peace, in the brightness and comfort of electric lights and the warmth of the propane heater while watching reruns of Red Skelton on the wide screen TV.
I can no longer lift the ammo cans full of 5.56 and .45 and 12 ga. 00 and my grand kids aren’t around to help. So the cans sit where I left them 5 years ago and I just live my life around them. I love to shoot and have a wonderful open range with a terrific backstop for any caliber … but find it harder everyday to walk down and back up the hill from the shooting position. Gunfire doesn’t bother me much these days since my hearing is so bad!
Today I finally cut that annoying dead pine tree that I’ve been staring at for a year. Hauled the 20 foot trunk up in the yard with the tractor and chainsawed and split it into 18 pieces for a friends camping fire. Won’t he be surprised that somebody 15 years his senior is doing the work. No neighborhood kid with a man bun and LL Bean woodsman shirt came over to help … I know they could hear the chainsaw or…. maybe it’s the dozen or so “no trespassing” signs – but I’m guessing. Nonetheless, a youngster missed a great opportunity to learn something.
I used to make my own laundry soap and spend 35 cents to make 2 gallons … but the wife didn’t like it because it didn’t smell right. So now it’s back to a $15 jug of chemical laden goop that smells pretty. OK, I didn’t win that one, but got some bargaining chips for when I see a “can’t pass up” deal on water filters. I know I don’t have enough filters. So 6 filters, each of which will last for 11 million gallons is a good deal for a guy who needs (according to the experts) a gallon of water a day … the same guy has a prostate the size of a grapefruit and only pees a teaspoon at a time… so 11 million days of water is probably enough. How much is 11 million days in dog years, anyway?
I’ve tried to share my limited wisdom gained over 70 years of life with some of my neighbors. The idea was (I naively thought) that if the S did hit the F one day and the local gas station raised gas from a respectable $2.25 to $15 a gallon … that the neighbors might participate in a ‘let’s all get together and save ourselves’ party. When I found out that most of these folks could name all the Khardashian family members out to 3rd cousins, and didn’t know the each state has some Senators … my idea of community unity fizzled. Probably just as well in the long run since mouth-breathers talk an awful lot of trash and I only have enough toilet paper for the immediate family … and not enough of anything to share.
Have to stop now … there’s a big sale on at Walmart.
Ha ha ha, love it farmer, this is pure gold. Thanks for brightening up my day.
Farmer, I so enjoyed your comments and oh how I can relate. I’m a 71 yr old female trying to prep in a urban area with no idea of where I’d bug out to, if I had to. I don’t have the money to devote to prepping that I know I need. Yet I’m always on the lookout for people who know and practice prepping constantly. I learned the need for prepping from a great grandmother and grandmother who lived through the Great Depression and WWII, and had to be frugal(with a capital F). If you wouldn’t mind, I’d love any info you, or anyone else would care to share. Please put “Prepping from ??” in the subject line at least the first couple of times.
Hi Flo, have edited out your email address, don’t want you getting spammed! A good place to connect with other preppers is on our female only group on Facebook, we have had lots of friendships formed there – https://www.facebook.com/groups/191771778387171/
If you just want to get our email list, click on the signup link in the footer and enter your email address.
Let us know if you need anything else.
Primer Survivor, Thank You for editing out my email. I should have known better than to do that in the first place. For a long time I lost track of your website but just now found it again. Thank Goodness. I will indeed join your Facebook group now to learn and hopefully add a few things as well. I know there is a lot I need to do but I DO NOT trust my government, so I want to be as independent as possible for as long as possible
Oh Farmer! How I wish you were our neighbors! We are in the same situation here. Our neighbors spend all their energy on College football games. We are in our 70’s and produce about half of our own food. I am not sure that we can outlive what we have put back. We do rotate out our short term stuff and yes, we are up to our ears in toilet paper. Don’t forget those paper plates, as you will not want to start out with a lot of dirty dishes, having to heat water!!! Best regards from Ga. A.
Oh my gosh.. too funny. I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time. Thank you
Please keep writing!
I think you missed your calling. You made me feel like I was sittin’ in front of you listenin’ to this yarn. However, I’m right there with you. LOL LOL LOL
I am so glad I got to read your comments today!!!! I needed a laugh and you provided it for me. Thank you.
I love your advice regarding prepping for the elderly. I am a 71 year old male living in a ground floor residence. My windows, six of them, are easily accessible for intruders. I welcome advice and how to secure them from the inside to allow light and air to circulate during a disaster. I am a carpenter and have ideas using plywood Etc. Also I am armed and not adverse to using Force to deter Intruders. Lastly, I am somewhat disabled with the very bad left leg.
Hi Robert – we just published an in-depth post on home defense, it should answer some of your questions.
74, COPD, and living on my own. Some of my windows are vulnerable. I have drilled holes, inside the frame, down ward angle, above the lower window at different levels. BOTH SIDES. Insert nails, at least a 2″. Even if the window is broken it can’t be lifted. If you can lower the top window a couple inches, circulation, old southern solutions for our hot summers.
Absolute commonsense. I am 85 years old This has given me the idea to set up an organisation here. I am the Chairman of the local Seniors Forum. At the next meeting I will talk about this..
Fantastic – would love to hear how you get on with this, could be a great model for other groups to follow.